Importance and need of learning the Quran for children online


Discover the importance and need of learning the Quran  for children online and how it can positively impact their lives. Religious education is a fundamental part of a child’s grooming. Proper Quran education is very important in Muslim societies. However, this crucial part of education never gets the due diligence of the parents, which later results in a poor understanding of the child, of the Quran in general and Islam in particular, in the later part of his life. Like other aspects of a child’s grooming, the education of the Quran also requires dedicated time and the proper instruction. A poor teacher cannot teach a child properly about such a comprehensive divine book which has so many aspects to understand.
b. Complete Code of Life. If it is properly guided, children can accrue many benefits from Quran education. Quran is a complete guideline for life on all matters. It has many valuable moral lessons for children.
c. Literary Value. Quran is not only a divine book but also a masterpiece of literature. Learning has a lot of value to learn it. The Quran is written in a unique and poetic way. It is a delight to read and understand the Quran.
d. Learning History. Besides the religious aspect, the Quran can teach a lot about Muslim history. The Quran is full of historical references.
e. Mental Faculty. It is difficult to remember something which you cannot understand. It is a challenging task that requires focus and perseverance. Memorizing the Quran improves a child’s memory.

Need for Quran Education Online

The COVID pandemic and recent floods have changed how we use to see education and living. Mobile and IT technology have made online learning a necessity. Children learn to use mobile at a very young age. It is a captivating presentation that takes a child’s interest. A balance and well-designed app according to the child’s psyche, can make him sit and learn with focus even when it is a boring subject or learning a new language such as Arabic. Online Quran education is no more an optional facility in the education system. It has become one of the prime ways to learn new skills and earn a higher education. The Quran education is no different from other education, faizlearning online Quran education has become the need of the hour. Children have such a busy and hectic academic life that time for additional things becomes difficult. Online Quran education can make it much easier to adjust Quran education in children’s daily routines.

Major Challenges in Traditional Teaching of the Quran

  1. Conventional Education. Traditional education of the Quran is a cumbersome activity. It requires a lot of time and effort to manage the time for the children. Most religious institutes teach just after school timings or late. Most students are not in the best mood and energy at that time. It lacks the flexibility to plan the time of teaching. There is no variety in the teaching mechanism and the learning experience cannot be customized as per the children’s personalities. eLearning can make Quran education a fun activity for children. It can be molded as per the specific interest of the children.

Poor Environment in Institutes

The tendency of promoting extremism and politics has become a new normal. Bullying by teachers and fellow students is also a concern. There is no accountability mechanism to effectively guard against the mistreatment of a student by a teacher. Challenged students do not get due attention.
Location. One cannot find a good teacher in all places. Either the teaching location is very far, or you do not get enough space to teach the children inside the home without disturbance.
Student-to-Teacher Ratio. The student-to-teacher ratio is very poor in traditional teaching methods. The teacher cannot give individual attention to a child.
Poor Quality of Teachers. The native teachers are not language experts, and their own education is very limited. Their focus in Quran education from start is limited to mere reading and rote learning rather than understanding. The quality of Quran teachers available in non-Arab is not very good as far as the language is concerned.
Children Psychology. Today children are very tech-savvy. Their schooling is done in a high-tech environment, it becomes very difficult for them to learn the Quran in an orthodox method. Standard Quran teaching methods do not meet children evolved mental aptitude.

Advantages of Online Quran Education

  1. Cost Effectiveness

. Due to the increase in the education cost and the growing inflation more and more students are going for eLearning. Online education is far cheaper than traditional Quran education. There is no need for printed material. All the education aids are easily available in digital form. Which is very easy and interactive to use. The mobile application can be even cheaper than online teaching.
b. Advancements in Information Technology. Distant learning has become very popular due to advancements in IT. In the modern world, high-speed Internet and interactive tablets make it very easy to learn the Quran while sitting in a comfortable place in your home. Subjects like Quran can be taught more easily through online education. There are many aids available online to enhance the learning experience. Besides learning from a teacher through online classes, there are apps available to teach children about the Quran and Islam in a very interactive way.

  1. Parents Supervision during the Lesson

Parents overwatch can improve children learning and they can guide the teacher on the psyche of the child during the lesson. Online education gives an excellent opportunity for parents to guide and supervise their children while learning the Quran. They can be part of a child’s learning activity. The kids with special needs can also learn it as the parents are nearby, and the outdoor environment can be a challenge for them.

  1. Effective Learning Environment

Learning is more productive since online lectures can be recorded and repeated. They can become a source of good entertainment for the children. It can be very interactive and with better learning tools that are mostly unavailable in religious institutes. It is easy to see the historical sites mentioned in the Quran and develop an interest in learning the Quran.

  1. Time Management.

It is a very crucial issue for even children. They are committed to various school and hobbies-related activities. It is difficult to find a good teacher during the available time. Online education gives a unique chance to teach children the Quran at a time of their better mood and energy. Online Quran education provides a lot of flexibility to parents to plan their children’s routines.

  1. Native tutors.

Arabs teachers are easy to find online. They have the advantage of not only language but the culture and traditions of the area. They can teach the child: how to read the Quran, how to correlate historical facts mentioned in the Quran, and lastly how the present-day people living there are working in the same very situation. Learning the Quran from native Arabs can go a long way for the children’s education about the Quran and developing the right pronunciation. An Arab teacher explains the Quran’s historical things far more accurately and with proper context than a native non-Arab teacher.

  1. One-on-One Learning is More Productive

Group learning has its own advantages for some subjects. However, for the Quran learning one-on-one education is a much better and result-oriented approach. Children learn more when they get individual attention. Teachers cannot focus on an individual for long in a central class. Children learn more in a short span of time. Even if the child is not interested in learning, in one-on-one education, they can learn something due to interaction with the teacher.


The faiz learnig Quran education is very fundamental for a child’s proper grooming. Poor quality of native teachers and the present pandemic and flood situation are a hurdle to a good and regular education. Traditional education is expensive with many allied charges attached to it. Safety and security of the children is a major of the parents. In the modern world, Online Quran education is the need of the hour. It is far more economical than any other form of education. Advancements in technology made Quran learning a very interactive and entertaining activity for children. Parents can supervise the learning according to the child’s psyche. The home environment is far better for learning and is children friendly. Children feel more relaxed in their own homes. Online Quran education can be adjusted according to a child’s leisure time, mood, and energy level. Native Arabic tutors can be far better to learn the Quran. Besides teaching the Arabic language they give a unique actual cultural and social experience. Children can learn more in one-to-one education in very less time. Keeping all the above in view, if you want to teach the Quran to your child in less time, economical manner, and with a better understanding – online education is the answer.