Adult Circumcision


Circumcision is a surgical procedure to remove the foreskin. It is usually performed on newborns but can also be performed on adults for several reasons.

Most men find the benefits of circumcision more beneficial than any potential risks. It can help prevent infections and lower the risk for urinary tract infections.

How it Works

Circumcision is a common procedure that removes the skin that covers the tip of a penis. It is performed on many newborn boys. However it can also happen for hygiene and health reasons in adults.

The foreskin on the tip of a penis separates from the head of the penis when it’s born, but sometimes it doesn’t and remains tight. If this happens, it can cause phimosis. It can cause painful constriction, and cut off blood supply for the penis’ head. Often, phimosis requires further intervention or melbourne circumcision centre in order to be corrected.

Some men who were not circumcised at birth might get it later because of medical reasons. This could include a penile problem or a problem in their urinary tract that prevents a man from having an erection. Others may choose it because of religious or personal reasons such as Jewish or Islamic family tradition.

The majority of adults are able to heal up within one week. However there may still be some swelling or pain. A dressing is applied over the incision. You may be asked not to remove it until you are ready. This can take several days.

When you get home from the hospital you will need to follow the instructions given by your doctor about how to treat the wound. To speed up healing, you should remove the dressing and clean it daily. Next, apply a light bandage to the wound.

To reduce the chance of the bandage sticking, your doctor may also apply a thin layer to the wound. If there is a lot bleeding, you might need to use more than one wrap for the first 48-hours.

Bleeding is a common problem in adult adult circumcision cost . This can be controlled by pressure, absorbable sponge products, electrocautery, ligatures, and/or pressure. Other complications include infection and hematoma formation. They can also cause tearing of the sutures. Poor cosmesis can also be a problem. If you experience any symptoms that don’t improve, it’s important to seek treatment right away.


Circumcision is a common procedure for newborns, but it can also be performed on adults who need it as a cure for conditions like phimosis (an overly tight foreskin) or for cosmetic reasons.

Your decision to circumcise your child as an adult is one that you make. Your urologist will be able to help you. Before you go ahead with the procedure, your urologist will discuss the pros and drawbacks with you and answer any queries you might have.

It is important that you prepare well for your circumcision to ensure that you have a smooth recovery. Follow the surgeon’s instructions regarding diet, medication, and make sure you understand your physical limitations for a few days after the operation.

Talk to your partner and plan for time off work. To aid your recovery, you should avoid sexual activity for at minimum one month after the surgery.

During the surgery, your doctor will use an anesthetic to numb the area where the penis is located. The doctor will then remove the skin with a scalpel/surgical scissors and close it with dissolvable stitches.

The stitches must be kept in place for no less than two weeks. They should however, fall off naturally in due time. This allows the skin to heal properly around them.

The healing process for most men is quick and painless. Swelling and redness of the penis may last a few days, but this usually goes away on its own. You can take over-the-counter pain relievers to reduce any discomfort.

Your doctor will place a dressing on your penis head to keep it in place after the procedure. Untightened underwear should be worn until you feel comfortable taking it off.

Until the area heals, you should avoid any activities that could cause bleeding such as cycling and fast-moving sports. To speed up healing, you can massage the area with a circular motion.

Your urologist will tell you when it’s safe to return to your normal routine. Once the area is healed, you can return to your normal work and other activities.


Circumcision refers to a surgical procedure in which the foreskin is removed from a male’s penis. It is a medical necessity for many men as it can help treat conditions such as balanoposthitis. It helps to prevent other STIs, such as HIV. Additionally, circumcision can improve a man’s sexual performance as well as his appearance.

It is usually performed in the presence of a doctor or urologist. However many family physicians have the training and experience necessary to perform adult circumcisions. It is performed on a day-to-day basis, meaning that you won’t have to stay overnight in hospital.

The first part of the procedure includes cleaning and numbing the area. Your doctor might inject a shot or apply a cream to numb the area. You may also be given general anesthesia. This will make you feel like you are asleep and not feel anything.

After the numbing medicine wears off, your doctor will make incisions just below your head of your penis to remove the entire skin. The doctor will then close the incision with dissolvable stitches. They will usually dissolve in two to three weeks.

After surgery is completed, a dressing on your penis will be applied. It will be topped with petroleum jelly or a topical antibiotic cream. It will be wrapped with gauze in order to protect the area and keep it clean.

You should not have any sex during this period, as it can cause the stitches to bleed. If you do, it can lead to discomfort and infection.

Your doctor will remove the stitches as soon as they are healed. Your doctor will also remove any scar tissue that may remain to ensure that the area is clean.

After your circumcision, you will be able to start taking it easy for a week. Avoid vigorous sports, swimming, and exercising during this time as they can put pressure onto your penis. Reclining your position while you sleep can increase the likelihood of your stitches pulling on your penis.

You can usually return to work and other daily activities in two to three weeks after your circumcision. However, you should ask your doctor for a timeline based on your health and healing.


Adult circumcision takes longer than that of newborns. It can take several days for the penis and to feel normal. The person will likely experience swelling or bruising around the area where the skin was removed. During this time, it is important to keep the penis moist and to avoid any physical activity that may place pressure on the penis.

After surgery, a doctor will apply a bandage to the area where foreskin was removed and then cover it with ointment. This will reduce the swelling and pain that can occur after surgery.

It is important to follow all instructions provided by your healthcare provider. You will need to wash the area after you go to bed and at every bowel movement. This will ensure the area remains clean and free of bacteria. To prevent bacterial infection, you will also want it to be as dry and clean as possible for the first two weeks.

Regularly, you will need to apply antibiotic cream to your penis’s head. This will prevent the skin from becoming infected. It will also remove any pus that may have formed.

For the first few days after surgery, a yellow-whitish film may develop on the head of your penis. This is caused by bacteria and will fade away over a few weeks.

This should be treated immediately. You will need to remove the dressing and apply the ointment again several times per day until it disappears.

Additionally, your penis head may become swollen. This swelling will disappear in a few weeks. However, it can take up six months for the swelling to completely disappear.

The stitches are usually to blame if you have difficulty urinating or having difficulty getting a good erection. This can be a very unpleasant experience, but it will go away once you get rid the stitches.