9 Foods to Avoid During Piles Treatment


Any treatment would show effective results only when we follow certain restrictions. When we undergo the problem of piles, we have to struggle to discharge the stool that becomes hard and suffer bleeding, prickling pain, irritation, and itching.  Keeping oneself on a low-fiber diet consistently does not go well with the digestive system. It turns into hard stool which gets stuck up in the lower abdomen or large intestine and that makes the person have a hard time eliminating the feces. Putting consistent pressure while sitting on the toilet seat causes veins inside and outside the anus to swell and bleed. 

There are certain foods to avoid for piles treatment which will help gain smooth recovery:

1. Spicy Foods:

Spicy foods are low in fiber and can cause discomfort in the stomach. It can cause swelling of veins if exerted with excess pressure. Chilies and black peppers, part of spicy food items, can increase the level of acidity and cause swelling of veins.

2. Fried Foods: 

Deep-fried food items are high in unhealthy fats and fewer nutrients and also have less fiber. Such food items will fill up your stomach like junk. You will feel uneasy and find it difficult to digest it. You will face the problem of eliminating the hard stool and it would cause swelling of veins. Thus, it would worsen the condition of piles.

3. Dairy Products: 

Milk and its other related products are less in fiber and if consumed regularly can result in indigestion and turn into acidity or increase the problem of constipation.

4. Red Meat: 

It is necessary to avoid the consumption of red meat during the piles treatment. Because it is less in fiber and would delay the process of digestion. Even eating processed meat would further worsen the digestion process as it is high in sodium and low in fiber.

5. Caffeinated Beverages: 

Drinking caffeinated beverages will heavily burden your health conditions with dehydration and stomach disorders and that might lead to causing irregular bowel movements and constipation. If not stopped then further the condition might worsen and turn into constipation.

6. Alcohol: 

For many people, alcohol does not go well with their digestive metabolism. It makes them dehydrated, and that makes the movement of fecal matter through the intestine difficult. This often leads to constipation and piles. Ayurvedic Medicine for Piles Care can be an effective solution for managing and alleviating these symptoms.

7. Refined Grains: 

Not even 1% fiber exists in refined grains and that leads to dryness and increases the hardness of the stool. In such circumstances, a person has to struggle to discharge the stool. During piles treatment, maida, refined flour or rice should be strictly avoided.

8. Salty Foods:

The same goes for salty or processed foods which must not be taken during the piles treatment. Eliminating fecal matter would become a tiresome task for the concerned person who is already suffering from painful and bleeding piles. It causes dehydration and swelling.

9. Sugary snacks

Sugary biscuits, cookies and cakes are made from maida, butter and refined sugar. Such ingredients or any bakery item would disrupt gut bacteria because of sugar and 0% fiber. It would lead to building intense pressure on the rectal veins. Consistent straining increases the swelling in the anal area.

Which Food Items Will Heal Hemorrhoids?

A. Soluble and Insoluble Fiber

Soluble fiber is food that gets easily dissolved in water and stimulates soft stool creation. Carrots, barley, psyllium, apples, beans and peas, if eaten, form a gel-like substance.

Insoluble fiber is about the roughage that you eat and which helps in the movement of stool through the anal canal.

Whole-wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts, beans and vegetables, such as cauliflower, green beans and potatoes, are good sources of insoluble fiber.

B. Beans, Lentils and Nuts

You will be able to meet the requirements of 7 gms to 10 gms of fiber ( both soluble and insoluble ) among different types of beans, lentils and nuts.

C. Grains

Replace white breads, pastas, and crackers with whole-grain flour, buckwheat, cornmeal, or rye for increased insoluble fiber. Cooked oats and barley provide soluble fiber. For breakfast, opt for instant oatmeal, no-butter popcorn, and oat bran or wheat germ.

D. Fruits and Vegetables

Plant foods are essential for a healthy diet, with thin skins on fruits and vegetables providing insoluble fiber and flavonoids. Freshly colored produce like berries, grapes, tomatoes, and kale are rich in flavonoids. Fruits provide at least 10% of daily fiber, while leafy greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, winter squash, and green peas provide 4 to 5 grams. Some vegetables and fruits have fiber and water content, while others are mostly water.

Apart from the food items and drinking 10 to 15 glasses of water that can help in relieving constipation or piles, you can go for topical home remedies for piles:

i) Sitz Bath

You can sit in a tub half filled with lukewarm water which will help in reducing swelling, bleeding and pain in the anal area.

ii) Applying Coconut Oil on the Piles Wound

You can use virgin coconut oil to heal the pile’s wound. It will aid in stopping bleeding, itching and inflammation. Its antimicrobial property will enable recovery from infection arising from piles and fissures without causing any side effects.

iii) Physical Activity or Yoga Poses for Piles 

Apart from performing  jogging, running, and skipping to improve the circulation of blood, regulate bowel movement and experience steady weight loss, you can perform.

A). Balasana 

Allow yourself to kneel on the ground and keep your knees and hips wide open, keep your hands aside and bend down your head to touch the ground. Bending movements will aid in the softening of stool and the elimination of fecal matter.

B). Pawanmuktasana

It is a powerful yoga asana for piles recovery and it is simple to do which will enhance the circulation of blood and regulate bowel movement. You need to lie down in the corpse pose, you will be bending your knees one at a time and bringing it close to your chest. It will aid in removing acidity and gas and stimulate in softening the stool. 

C). Leg up the wall pose 

You can lie down with your back on the floor and raise your legs to the wall to experience steady bowel movement and easy discharge of stool. Keeping yourself in this position for 5 to 10 minutes, you will experience effective results. 


Making the right choice of food items will enable you to experience steady recovery from painful, itching, and bleeding piles. Eating low-fiber food items will not help in overcoming your piles problem, You will have to strain while passing the stool from the anal canal. Because low fiber food makes the stool hard. Consumption of high-fiber food items will enable you to experience recovery with no further constipation, and swelling of veins near the anus.